Read 23 Books for 2023 – CHECK!

by Haifa Carina

Last Friday, I completed my annual goal of reading 23 books for 2023! I’m so happy I’m two months in advance. In previous years, I would cram multiple books in the last 2 weeks of December to hit my target. 

My Top 3 Favorites

  1. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. Funniest history book I’ve read! This has been on my to-read list for a while now. If you’re interested in understanding human history while giggling here and there — this book is for you. 
  2. So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport. Follow your passion is bad advice he said. I was quick to disagree only to be convinced otherwise in the end. This is the kind of book you would buy for your mentees or colleagues if you want to help them grow and be amazing at what they do. 
  3. A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. I’m not into fiction but this one is an exception as this is the book Tom Hank’s movie A Man Called Otto is based on. I’m a Tom Hanks fan. It’s the kind of book you’d read by the beach or pool disconnected from the crazy world around you. 

My Approach This Year

I consume 3 books simultaneously: 

  1. an audiobook via Audible
  2. an e-book saved on my phone and;
  3. a physical book.

I listen to audiobooks usually on my way to work, during flights, to meet friends or during workouts. I get headaches when I read on a moving vehicle so audiobooks are the best alternative to keep my mind occupied. I also listen to audiobooks while doing house chores like washing dishes or folding my clothes.

E-books I read when I’m steadily waiting for something – for my drinks at cafes or queueing at a counter. Also, I try to hit a mini-goal of reading at least 5 e-book pages a day.

And finally, the physical books are for when I’m at home at night or on weekends as I try my best to disconnect digitally.

Haifa’s 23 Books for 2023 

  1. Good to Great  – James C. Collins 20230219
  2. Lost Art of Listening – Michael P. Nichols 20230303
  3. Made to Stick – Chip Heath 20230311
  4. Resonate – Nancy Duarte 20230329
  5. A Man Called Ove – Fredrik Backman 20230429
  6. The Power of Broke – Daymond John 20230610
  7. Ted Talks – Chris Anderson 20230610
  8. So Good They Can’t Ignore You – Cal Newport 20230625
  9. Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man – Steve Harvey 20230702
  10. My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry – Fredrik Backman
  11. Primary Greatness: The 12 Levers of Success – Stephen Covey 20230709
  12. A Beginner’s Guide to Investing – Alex Frey 20230724
  13. Let’s Get Real or Let’s Not Play – Mahan Khalsa 20230727
  14. 6 Habits of Growth – Brendon Burchard 20230804
  15. Psychology of Money –  Morgan Housel 20230812
  16. Humor, Seriously – Jennifer Aaker 20230825
  17. Ready or Not 2023 – Winston Damarillo 20230826
  18. Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari 20230923
  19. CrazyBusy – Edward Hallowell 20230929
  20. Deep Work – Cal Newport 20231003
  21. Creating Sales Stars – Stephan Schiffman 20231022
  22. Ego is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday 20231031
  23. The Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday 20231103

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